Mon. Apr 29th, 2024

Hello everyone! I just wanted to send out a quick word that I am still alive. I know there hasn’t been any updates recently. That’s because I have been busy with work and personal issues with the family recently, and very busy writing. I have a new story that has been the focus during the month of July for Camp NaNoWriMo.  I really cannot wait to share it with you all.

It is titled Taigai Ridatsu and is my first ever attempt at Teen Wolf. I already have the title page up for the story in the menu and the first 8 chapters uploaded to both the site here, and on FFnet for when I’m ready to reveal. I am very tempted to give everyone the first chapter now, if just to hold you over until the end of the month when I plan to release the rest on a schedule. On a schedule while I return my focus back to my other stories.

Feel free to visit this pretty banner created by the lovely Falling Stars to see more about the story. I truly hope everyone enjoys this. I’m really nervous about how you all will like it! *bites nails*



Until next time…

Much Love,

Meeko <3

By Meeko

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