Sat. Apr 27th, 2024

Greetings minions! I am still alive! I just wanted to drop a quick message to let you know what I’ve been up to. I like to thank those who expressed their feelings about my grandfather. You have no idea how much your words meant, even if I didn’t respond. Life at home has been different, and quiet, without him. A new adjustment for everyone.

The last couple weeks, I’ve been writing. No, not on Something Bad, or Whispers in Shadows, or even Neon Light. I’ve been working on a new story, for a special project. I am a contributing author to this year’s Fandom for Mental Health and it’s been my sole focus since I’ve begun writing since my return from hiatus. The new story is called Bad Moon Rising, and it is my first Kol/Bella paired fic that I’m insanely excited about. It was originally a bunny I adopted from one of my loveliest friends, Falling Stars. I do hope I did it enough justice for her. Besides myself, my lovely mistress Buggy contributed a story, as well as Falling and Speklez. I am so freaking excited to see all the works that come out!

Bad Moon Rising

Teaser featured on FFMH site:

Gripping the stake in his hand, Kol fled the house instead. Sighing, Bella looked back over at Klaus and Rebekah. “Always placing your trust in the wrong people, Niklaus. When will you ever learn?”

“He was going to kill me!” Rebekah cried out, angry at her brother for letting the other leave.

Klaus smiled. “Well, then. I think you need a lesson in how to properly dagger a sibling.”

“Burn in hell,” she muttered, turning and leaving the house as her brother frowned, watching her.

Bella ran a hand through her hair, not knowing where to go. Kol was in the wind, and she was here with Klaus now. Whatever Kol had planned, she was sure that he wasn’t going to end well, and it wasn’t because of something he was going to do. She didn’t trust everyone else that was involved with searching for this mysterious cure many mentioned time and again. Deciding to stick with Klaus, she figured that eventually he might reveal something else that was going on, or lead her to something that would open up more of the larger picture of why she was feeling such a strong compulsion to be involved with their mess.

It was some time later when Klaus left the house that she followed. She wasn’t sure what he was up to as he walked up to the door of an unassuming house, but when the door opened to find the hunter boy that was with Damon and a girl, she glared at the vampire as he tried to talk them into taking the boy into his care. Eying the girl, the way she held herself, Bella had a bad feeling about her. She recognized a manipulative spark in her eyes that Alice Cullen held whenever she attempted to weave her lies.

When the teenagers closed the door on Klaus, and he walked away, frustrated at their stubbornness, she entered the house through the closed door. She quickly found the two in the kitchen with a familiar looking weapon between them. “You stupid idiots. This won’t end well for any of you,” Bella whispered to herself as they plotted to kill Kol to lift the compulsion on Damon.


Bella did not understand why she would be so drawn to the disastrous events unfolding in this small Virginia town. She tried to contemplate the multitude of reasons as she sought out Kol Mikaelson, even knowing that she was completely incapable of doing anything on her side of death. Instinctively, her mind cataloged through whatever spells she had memorized from when she was alive, believing that one day she might be able to give a hand to fixing whatever was set to occur.

New faces had randomly begun appearing as she made her way through the streets of Mystic Falls. Faces of the dead, she was sure, as they looked directly at her with judgmental scowls. Narrowing her eyes, she knew that her emotional sympathies to the vampire did not put her on friendly terms with the grand majority of the dead witches that were in that world of misery.

Pausing to take in just who was watching her, she also realized that she was beginning to see more vampires aimlessly wandering around. A pretty blond trailed after the other Salvatore vampire, complaining about Damon. Other supernatural beings roaming around much in the same way, or like her, observing but completely unaware of one another. It was something she had learned shortly after her death, the segregation of the magical where she lingered.

Shaking her head, clearing her thoughts of the dead she was now seeing, she set back on her path to locating Kol when she ghosted away from the street and found herself standing in a school hallway. Her eyes were cautious as she looked around at the darkened corridor when she heard the sound of something, or someone, being shoved against lockers nearby.

Bella turned around the corner in time to find the young witch subduing Kol. Balloons began popping including a set right next to her head that would have had the girl jumping in fright had she still been alive. Seeing and learning what she had over her years dead, she could easily tell the Bennett witch was unraveling in the dark magic she was exploring. Magic she was never meant to handle.

A small smile ghosted on the ghost’s lips as the witch ran off frightened by her own doing. Looking down on Kol, she let out a sigh as he pushed himself up, cursing everything about the teenagers in the bloody town. An irresponsible group, Bella agreed, for ones to claim to know better, to be doing the right thing.

It didn’t take long before the doppelganger girl initiated their plan, calling Kol to meet somewhere. She wished she had some way to let him know that it was a trap, his family’s overconfidence and his impatience would ultimately be his downfall. She could see this chapter ending one way.


If you want to get the FULL 10,000 word story, you either need to make a small donation of $10 to one of 4 charities selected by FFMH, or wait until later this fall when authors are allowed to post their stories elsewhere.

With that said and shared… I am free to resume writing on my other stories. Question is…where shall I begin?

Much love,


By Meeko

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