Mon. Apr 29th, 2024

Greetings from Cricketland! I just wanted to let you all know that I am still alive! I am done with my coursework for school right now (until I register for another class, of which I don’t have the money for at the moment). Things have settled somewhat since we lost my grandfather last month. I’m back into writing again, where I can. I had been sick on and off the last month with the stress of things going on so the routine I started at the gym fell by the wayside. I’m working on getting back into that again so between working out, work, and family life, I am trying to write more.

I cannot promise or tell you what the next update will be. I did commit myself to participating in the Fandom for Mental Health so I am working on that project first and foremost. I really just wanted to let you all know that I am here. I am writing something.

If you desire something new, Buggy has been updating our collaboration for Covert Affairs/Twilight story, Back At Your Door, here on the website. It’s such a fun and cheeky story. Do feel free to check it out!

Until next time…

Much Love, Meeko

By Meeko

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