Mon. Apr 29th, 2024

So many things…I finally finished watching The Flash/Arrow crossover on Friday and OMG did the bunnies come at me with just the one scene from the first episode. I quite literally attacked Buggy on that. I don’t know if is possible to be bruised through the internet verbally from the assault. But seriously. We’ve been working on Raising the Stakes, which we have an update this week! Click the pretty story banner to go to the newest chapter. Anyway, we’ve been working on the story but we’ve gotten slightly burnt out on that storyline, which is expected considering we pushed out Gambling Hearts and jumped right into that one in two months. We need the break.


As Buggy pointed out, this is becoming another Broken Bird phenomenon. We had been writing that story and making great progress when we got distracted and burnt out when we started on Atlantica. Atlantica was meant to be a one-shot, or just a small project to get a couple small bunnies out of the way but it became a huge epic story for us.

Boondoggle, our new project, is becoming that. 3 days and at 30,000 words. We didn’t even do this much, this fast with Atlantica. I think it took us a week to reach 30,000 on that one. Anyway, Boondoggle is technically a threeway crossover but because of limitations, it’s kept between Arrow and Twilight, and for sake of organization, it’ll be under the same categorization here.

Click on the image of our Bella to go check out our new story here on MeekoTales. So far only Chapter 1 is up. We’re not sure how far we’re going with the story yet. It’s still a very active WIP.

In TVD news, I am working on Dark Horse, chapter 3. I am also working on the next chapter of Whispers in Shadows. We’ll see how they go. Bella and Oliver has been very active so…

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

By Meeko

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