Fri. Apr 19th, 2024

This is not an update. I’m just going to say that right up front. This is a message to let you know that I am still alive and I haven’t forgotten about the stories. I had intended on participating in Camp NaNo this month, but being so overwhelmed at work (vacation season so we are understaffed), and keeping up with my physical activity (been working out and trying to lose some weight), that writing has sort of fell to the wayside.

It’s not for lack of trying, mind you. I have sat here on some nights, simply staring at these docs and wondering where the words are. Truthfully, the writing brain has been dead. I have chipped here and there on the latest chapter on a couple, I assure you. Nothing worth posting about or teasing, I’m afraid.

Today is actually the first day that I had made any progress anywhere. I actually got a significant amount on a chapter of a story that has been stalled for almost two years. Last time I updated it was November 2014. Dayum! But it is a fun chapter, now that I have some spark for that story again.

What else can I share so that you all haven’t given up on me? The next chapter of Taigai Ridatsu isn’t postable. It’s almost done, after just checking. There is some work that needs to be done for the perfect closing scene of the chapter though. I suppose, I should warn readers about this chapter. It formally introduces a third fandom that I write for into the story because I had an epiphany while working on the last chapter. It actually isn’t the first appearance of the fandom/characters in the story, I should add.

Here is a short teaser from the chapter… If anyone can guess the fandom from this, simply wow!

Bella woke up in bed, back in Derek’s loft and simply laid there for several moments. Drawing in a deep breath, she could feel that her ribs had already begun to heal, grateful for that ability even when not in her actual body. She wasn’t about to question the dynamics of how it worked.

Chapter 17 teaser:

When Peter’s face appeared above her, blocking her line of sight to the ceiling. “Argh! You ugly bastard! Get back!” she screeched, pushing him away.

“So it worked? You met him? Was he as much of an ass as me or worse like everyone claims? I’m worse, right?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes as she got out of bed. “What does it matter to you? It’s not like he has any interest in hunting you down so your pretty head is safe,” she replied, turning as she heard movement behind her. Smiling at Derek, she raised her hands above her head. “It worked.”

“I see that. I have your tea for you that you hate. As horrible as it is, I’d rather not lose you again. Or come close like this,” he said as he held up the mug and saw her face grimace.

“I know,” she sighed, ignoring Peter as he slipped out of the room while the two stared at one another. “At least we have a powerful new friend. Though I’m certain we can’t count on his help this time.”

Derek nodded as he approached the bed, taking a seat beside her quietly. Setting the mug on the end table, he tried to sort through his feelings about the whole ordeal. He knew it was a necessary attempt but his fears about the man reached him just as every other supernatural creature in the world that knew of him. “So it went well?”

What else can I add? Hmm… An update to Taigai may come before the end of the summer, but with it, I hope to post to at least two other stories. Even though the chapter is almost done, and I am significantly close to closing a chapter on the earlier mentioned story, I would like to try to get some chapters banked before I update again. I know this sucks, but it’s life and am simply too busy to really be able to sit and focus for any lengthy time.

By Meeko

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